
I have been looking for insects and lizards under every snag, making pets out of them. This natural world was an adventure for me, I have retained this feeling to this day and it fuels my interest, but now plants have become the object of my attention.

Maria Luneva

In the brief moments of their encounter, the men, my ancestors and forests would have exchanged energy. With trees inhaling what my ancestors have exhaled over the years and vice versa, the exchange of energy through breath could have been inevitable. Through touch and contact of human sole on the same soil that nurtures the forests, the trees must have transferred their humility to the humans.

Monisha Raman

The great misconception of our time is that we see ourselves as separate from nature, every day our choices are informed by the misconception of separation. But this can easily be reversed because these misconceptions aren’t truths found in the natural laws, there we find everything is interconnected, so also our own beliefs about ourselves, our direct environment and the world at large are interconnected.

Rens Spanjaard

Nature in her rawest form doesn’t put barriers in ways of expression; sexuality is one of these expressions that can be explored, imagined, translated, and experienced in different magnitudes. Everyone has the right to be who they are and to follow their deepest intentions.

Priyanka Singh

I know and feel that I am water, I am fluid and I can adjust, I am the container of it, of my soul and wisdom. All the teachings and learnings are already wishing me and water reflects all this back at me.

Maëlis Bekkouche

Healing is a long process; it unfolds on many levels. Step by step, when we work towards consciously integrating our beliefs into our lifestyle, saying no to things that no longer serve us, and aligning with our hearts rather than just being a part of a system, this process begins.

Priyanka Singh Parihar