
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani

Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self Through the Land | Salomé Jishkariani

Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani

Salomé Jishkariani is a Georgian visual artist based in Paris, primarily working with photography and video. Her main focus is on the concept of visual perception, psychological perception, and their intersections. Her work attempts to understand the functionality of the Psychic Apparatus and explore the cognitive experience of vision as the optical unconscious. These creations serve as both the foundation and the outcome of her exploration.

Through her ongoing series ‘Terrains of Identity’, Salomé explores the concept of the individual identity and how it relates to the terrain.

Reflecting on the concept of identity becomes increasingly complex when it is constantly in motion. Traditionally, identity is associated with similarity and affinity, often intertwined with territorial boundaries. But what happens when physical boundaries lose their hold and new ones emerge to reshape our sense of self?

For me, this project was deeply personal, aiming to bridge my individual identity with a broader understanding of identity.

As I delved deeper, the notion of identity became increasingly abstract, its definitions fluid and dissipating. I was interested in the ways the environment could mould and redefine my sense of self, gradually intertwining it with nature.

Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani

In nature, I discovered a profound connection where the complexities of identity echoed through its patterns. Personal items, symbolising our uniqueness, found resonance amidst the chaos and order of the forest. Even official documents validating our societal existence seemed to emanate from or through nature.

‘Terrains of Identity’ is a sort of poetic exploration seeking to affirm one’s tangible existence through the physical realities of nature. It’s challenging to explore this notion without embracing abstraction, allowing it to encompass various dimensions.

The most significant aspect of this project lay in its very process. As I embarked on this journey, I found myself immersed not only in capturing images but also in the organic flow of nature’s rhythms. Each step unfolded in tandem with the natural world, allowing me to observe its patterns and intricacies up close. These observations weren’t merely external; they sparked a dialogue with my inner self, resonating deeply with my personal perceptions and experiences.

It was through this symbiotic relationship with nature that the visual expressions of the project took shape, each frame capturing a moment where the external landscape mirrored the landscape of my own awareness.

In essence, the process itself became a conduit for exploration, bridging the gap between the external and internal realms and revealing the profound interconnectedness between self and surroundings.

Creation finds clarity within nature’s essence

Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani
Terrains of Identity: Reshaping the Sense of Self | Salomé Jishkariani

Photos and words by Salomé Jishkariani

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