
I shall like that this work makes us think about our place in the Nature and about the respect which we owe her, strongly current and political theme.

Frédéric Fontenoy

Métamorphose | Frédéric Fontenoy

‘This photo is part of a serie about 28 photography , realised in 1988, before Photoshop…

This entitled work « Metamorphosis » explore the relationship of the human being in the Nature. The process is the following one: A the research for a landscapes, without any draw of constructions of the human being, I imagine a pseudo-human shape which could exist in this panorama. A solitary work, being in front of and behind the camera, not really a “self-portraits” rather a use of my body. It is rather close to a performance in which I have to feel this place and create the movement. Photos is recording these furtive choreograph.

Very inspired by the works and Hans Bellmer’s papers; in particular ” Small anatomy of the image “, what freed me to think of another body.

Very inspired also by the mythologies, in Particular Celtic, where the forms of the protagonists are not fixed, passing as an animal in a human shape.

I shall like that this work makes us think about our place in the Nature and about the respect which we owe her, strongly current and political theme.’ – Frédéric Fontenoy

All images belong to : Frédéric Fontenoy @fredericfontenoy

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