Beyond aesthetic terms, I know humans carry a deep appreciation for behavioural beauty. We experience beauty in kindness, friendship, connection, and love. Even though the rise of social media and consumerism has narrowed the word ‘beauty’ and degraded it to mere glamour, true beauty is not skin-deep but carries the potential to unveil revelations for our kind.
Priyanka Singh Parihar
When I got involved with climate activism and started learning more about ecology, biodiversity and climate change, I looked at my forest differently. I understood that it was—like most forests surrounding me—a monoculture plantation, which led me to feel almost tricked by the beauty that had surrounded me since childhood. But this also started a further inquiry into “what makes a forest."
Emelie Victoria Isaksen
What we do to our surroundings mirrors our internal world. The same ideology that teaches us to fight, suppress, and tame nature ties us to the realities we are desperately trying to escape.
Priyanka Singh Parihar
Play is a form of resilience, a way of staying open even when the world feels closed.
Francesca Heart
Ceasing to produce and reduce is not only necessary for ecological and planetary health; it is also necessary for general human wellbeing.
Anna Borrie
Our pilgrimage on Earth concludes with us becoming the Earth.
Priyanka Singh Parihar
When we cultivate intimacy with the land, we attune ourselves to its subtle signs—the whisper of the wind moving trees, the cycles of growth and decay, the seasons that remind us of rest and renewal. As we deepen our relationship with nature, we begin to see ourselves not as separate from the Earth, but as an integral part of her ever-evolving tapestry.
Mia Ganda
I wonder—who first imagined the spirit, transforming an individual’s inner dialogue into a collective language? The breath, spirare, became the spirit—the glimmering, invisible reality we reach for. Everything around us is breathing, human and non-human. Then what makes us spiritual and the non-human only corporeal? Couldn’t the “non-human” also be called the “more-than-human”?
Priyanka Singh Parihar
Though often depicted as the cradle of capitalism, of industrial revolutions, of witch hunts, the European continent is also a land of rich traditions of ecological wisdom, community governance and sustainable practices. These forms of ecological knowledge have existed long before the advent of industrial society and are not merely relics from the past, but living traditions that still offer valuable insights into today’s environmental crisis.
Maria Costan Davara
Whales sing haunting and moving songs that resonate through their oceanic homes, imbuing their world with meaning. Similarly, we humans rely on stirring sounds and music to find purpose in our existence.